Let’s Defeat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)!

Bernice Lien
5 min readJul 30, 2021

Cursor blinking, mind paralyzed as I stare at my blank google doc. My English teacher, Ms.S, had assigned us to write a poem. One that required us to “call for change.” A call for change, hmm🤔? My mind raced as I considered the countless world problems that my poem could revolve around. Finally, I opted for one that hits close to home.

I wouldn’t say I am the most well-versed in creative writing, but after a few hours of combining words hoping that they would form poetic melodies, this is what I came up with:

For the assignment, I decided to write about people with disabilities because my brother Elvin has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), and I see what he has to go through every day. I see his clenched fists, his pressed lips, his misty eyes whenever he can’t accomplish what he sets out to do. Things that healthy people can do so effortlessly that he can’t physically or mentally do himself. I know that people can treat him differently sometimes, and it honestly breaks my heart.

For those who aren’t aware of what DMD is …

“Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness due to the alterations of a protein called dystrophin that helps keep muscle cells intact.” — mda.org

In short, DMD causes muscle weakening which also affects organs like your heart, lungs, etc. DMD leads to numerous conditions such as learning disabilities, a shortened life span, scoliosis, inability to walk, life-threatening conditions like heart/lung failure, etc.

Studies have also shown that 30–40% of DMD subjects also are subjected to intellectual disabilities. My brother is part of the 30–40%. He has DMD and autism. With all these complications, their average life span is 26 years old. These kids are racing against time.

To learn more about DMD and the biology aspect, check out my video 👇

After I handed in that assignment, I thought to myself, so what’s next? I just handed in my “call for change” assignment, and the whole purpose of that assignment is to bring awareness to social injustices, world problems, diseases, etc. So is that it? Do I just hand in an assignment, talk a bit about it, hope that other people are going to solve this problem, and hope to receive a high grade?

No, not for me. It didn’t seem right to just talk about an issue instead of actually taking steps to solve it. With this thought process, the assignment instantly changed from a “call for change” to a plan for change.”

Now, what exactly can I do to help people with DMD? I’m just a regular 17-year-old. Then, I thought I have an engraving machine at home, maybe I should put it to good use. I had never even touched it, no idea how to operate it, and my art skills are close to zero 😂.

But luckily for me, I have AMAZING family members! I started to drag my brothers, sister, and parents in. All of them are talented in their own ways.

To sum up my plan for change in 4 simple steps:

  1. Start a business
  2. Reach out to DMD organizations
  3. Make sales + Marketing
  4. Donate to DMD cure research 🎉

Let’s Defeat DMD!

Made by Sivin and Elvin

Essentially, our business Defeat DMD (DDMD) sells engraved products. You can check out the website here (defeatdmd.com) and also sign up for our monthly newsletter!! Make sure to follow us on Instagram/Facebook so you stay updated!

Some products we sell includes keychains, coasters, LED base lamps and many more personalized/engraved gifts. Elvin also helps design products!! Here are some of his designs.

And here are other designs that my sister, other brother and I made. Check out the products on our website.

We are currently partnering with Jesse’s Journey — a charity funding research for a cure to defeat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. We plan to donate to this organization.

We aren’t sure about the exact percentage that we will give so be sure to follow us on our Instagram, Facebook, and sign up for our newsletter to be updated! Don’t worry the newsletters won’t be spam, and you can unsubscribe anytime.

You can help by buying one of our products for your family and friends. Also, feel free to donate straight to organizations such as Jesse’s Journey, Muscular Dystrophy Canada, Muscular Dystrophy Association, and La Force DMD.

Now, I would like to leave you with a thought to ponder. What is your “plan for change”? It doesn’t have to be something groundbreaking. It could be as simple as donating to a charity or going for a marathon to support a cause. Talking about change doesn’t actually bring change. I must admit that it does a great job of spreading awareness, but we all need to take the next time to devise a plan and then executing. We need to start taking action. As always, bias towards action.

Thank you for reading to the end!! I really appreciate it. If you enjoyed this article, feel free to follow me on medium and give a few claps :)

Also, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, my email, or check out my personal website.

Until next time ✌️



Bernice Lien

Hey everyone! I’m Bernice and I’m a high school student who loves to learn about technology. Follow me to get notified for my articles :)